Then select Translationsand click on the file you want to start with (if you have imported more than one for this project). To get started translating quickly, choose your TM (if you imported any during the set-up phase) by clicking on Translation memories in the left-hand column. (For more information on creating templates, please see this memoQ Help page.)Īfter completing this step, you arrive at the Project home screen, which gives you a number of options. The no template screen (on the left) lets you fill in the same details about the project as before. And to save time, I usually just provide a bare minimum of details (client, project and delivery date). I use a template with one TM (translation memory) and TB (term base) per language pair. Or you can also click on Create without template (bottom left). Here you can choose to use a template by filling in the boxes. The Project template information screen pops up next. The next screen you see will be memoQ processing the import. You cannot import the document if it is open.Īfter importing your file (or files if your project contains more than one), click on Start translating (shown with the green arrow). Either drop the file into the box or browse through your folders to find it (marked with the green arrow). Import the document you need to translate into the largish white box near the top. I’ve blanked out some details for confidentiality reasons). This is where you see a list of all the documents you have translated in memoQ (once you’ve got that far. When you open memoQ, you arrive at the Dashboard. Or your mind starts to boggle at too much techspeak.
#Create wordfast term base with xls manual
In this second post on memoQ, I’ll highlight the basic steps you need to know to do your first translation in this CAT without watching any videos or webinars or reading the manual in case you’re short of time as I was.

I was also fed up of the constant crashes every time I switched on Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) to dictate my translations.
#Create wordfast term base with xls windows
My main reason to suddenly change from one CAT to another was because of ongoing problems using Wordfast after updating my system to the latest versions of Windows and Word.

If you read Part 1, Introduction & Review, of this mini-series on ‘memoQ for the non-tech savvy’, you’ll know that I switched over to memoQ from Wordfast Classic a few months ago.